Report Writing Series - Sections

This is post number 7 in a series about Report Writer in Dynamics GP. The topic in this post is understanding how sections work.

Report Writer Series - Drawing Options tips

This is post number 6 in a series about Report Writer in Dynamics GP. The topic in this post is understanding the Drawing Options window.

Free Stuff for GP!

This post is about free add-ons for Dynamics GP, and where/how to get them!

eConnect, GL Transactions & Multicurrency

This post is about integrating to Dynamics GP and that eConnect requires a chequebook to be set up and looks at that to identify if multicurrency is enabled in a company. Strange but true!

Some Canadian Payroll & Project Accounting gotchas!

This post is about a couple of "gotchas" with Canadian Payroll and Project Accounting in Dynamics GP. One is about the "Batch level errors exist" error, and one is about the Employed By setting in Project settings on an employee card.

Why does the JE description say “Receivings Transaction Entry”?

This post is about the very hidden Reference field in Receivings Transaction and Invoice Match that would flow to the GL Reference field on posting if it were edited.

Quick Tip - SmartList Builder & Account Numbers

This post is about how to use the SmartList Builder Field Options to display the GL Account Number instead of the Account Index for any field in any table instead of linking to the Account Index Master table.

New Year’s Resolutions 2012

My annual post about resolutions for 2012 and how 2011 went.

Canadian Payroll issues and fixes

This post is for Canadian Payroll in Dynamics GP and covers two issues: "The batch is currently in use" and "There is an error in the Transmission Header - Incorrect Length".

How secure are your passwords?

This is a post about passwords and security in applications, and a story of a scenario at a client where there was an upgrade and some applications had no documentation about the installation or administration setup.
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