SmartList Export Options

A tip about using the Export Options feature in Dynamics GP to automate some of the Excel steps after exporting a SmartList.

How to copy budgets

A #TipTuesday post about two options for copying budgets in Dynamics GP.

Excel tip - is X in the list?

A tip in Excel for data validation where the out-of-the-box data validation may not be suitable. This example is validating using COUNTIF to validate data input.

SmartList Tips - search

A #TipTuesday post about how to search in SmartList including using generic date filters, case sensitivity, field comparisons, and other more advanced options.

SmartList Tips - favorites

A #TipTuesday post about working with favorites in SmartList.

SmartList Tips - working with columns

This #TipTuesday post is about working with columns in SmartLists.

SmartList Tips - printing & exporting

This #TipTuesday post is about SmartList printing and exporting.

SmartList Export Oddities

This post is about an oddity in exporting SmartLists to Excel. Exporting with an Export Solution functionally appears to use the dex.ini enhanced export switch even if it's not enabled on the workstation.

GP "Next" aka what's in a name?

This post is about the announcement that Dynamics GP will no longer have year numbers in the names. I write about that and my thoughts about why that's a good thing.

SmartList Tips - the basics

This #TipTuesday post is about terminology and other introductory information about working with SmartLists.
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