Pagination in Power Query (Part 2)

The 4th post in the series around using APIs, specifically around iterating over an unknown number of pages of results, using the ClickUp API.

Connecting to ClickUp in Power Query

The 3rd post in the series, this one about the ClickUp API and how to connect to it.

Power BI number formatting tips

Two tips for formatting numbers in Power BI, replacing zeroes with dashes and displaying something other than blanks.

Pagination in Power Query (Part 1)

Part 2 in the series where I’m discussing Power Query with APIs. Today is about paginating over a known number of pages, using Harvest as the API example.

Connecting to Harvest in Power Query

The first post in a short series documenting how to work with some web application APIs in Power Query, using Harvest as my first example.

Power BI matrix column width sizing

A post with tips about managing the column width in matrix visuals in Power BI.

GP Upgrades - series wrap-up

The last post in the 10-part series covering Dynamics GP upgrades, and the various planning considerations. This post has some random tips that did not fit in the other articles.

GP Upgrades - testing

This is post 9 in the series covering Dynamics GP upgrades and the different types of testing to plan for.

GP Upgrades - know your environment wrap-up

This is post 8 in the series covering Dynamics GP upgrades and the last in the sub-series called "Know Your Environment". This post covers customizations, pathnames, how workstations are installed, etc.

GP Upgrades - know your environment part 5

This is post 7 in the series covering Dynamics GP upgrades, and a continuation of the sub-series on knowing your environment. This post covers different types of reporting.
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