GP 2015 is released!

Dynamics GP 2015 was released yesterday!

reImagine 2014 - Day 4

This post is the day 4 recap of reImagine 2014 in Fargo.

reImagine 2014 - Day 3

This post is the day 3 recap of reImagine 2014 in Fargo.

reImagine 2014 - Day 2

This post is the day 2 recap of reImagine 2014 in Fargo.

reImagine 2014 - Day 1

This post is a recap of the first day at reImagine 2014 in Fargo, ND.

reImagine 2014 - Day before the fun begins!

This post is about the travel to reImagine 2014 in Fargo, ND.

Project Accounting mystery COGS account

This post is about a weird issue with a COGS (Cost of Goods Sold) account defaulting to a GL account in Project Accounting that the client could not figure out where it came from in the configuration.

Cdn Payroll - Things that make you go hmm

A post about a strange finding in Canadian Payroll in Dynamics GP where the batch ID can only be 9 characters but if the batch is created from Quick Transaction Entry, it allows a longer batch ID than 9 characters.

New Year’s Resolutions 2014

My annual look back at 2013 and what my resolutions are for 2014.

eConnect error, but not the real error!

This post is about an eConnect error that wasn't passing the correct error message back to the developers, and how I went about troubleshooting this with them to resolve it.
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