Dynamics GP on Microsoft Azure - Part 5

This is the 5th post in my series on Dynamics GP on Microsoft Azure. This one is about the costs for my first month and what my next plans are.

Dynamics GP on Microsoft Azure - Part 4

This is the 4th post in my series on Dynamics GP on Microsoft Azure. This one is about a cost update, RDP settings & local drives, VM sizes, and a Free Trial recommendation.

Dynamics GP on Microsoft Azure - Part 3

This is the 3rd post in my series on Dynamics GP on Microsoft Azure. This one is about a cost update and details on how the charges are derived, performance to date, the Temporary storage, printing & GP upgrade.

Dynamics GP on Microsoft Azure - Part 2

This is the 2nd post in my series about Dynamics GP on Microsoft Azure where I discuss connecting to a VM, and start installing GP.

Dynamics GP on Microsoft Azure - Part 1

This is the 1st post in my series about Dynamics GP on Microsoft Azure. I'm just getting started with setting up the subscription and initial steps.

Learning new things the hard way

This post is about some challenges I had working through a change from Expression Engine to WordPress and a caching plug-in I didn't realize I needed that affected my CSS changes.

Spammers, go away!

A post about how much I hate spam phone calls and emails.

New Year's Resolutions 2015

A look back at 2014 and what I would like to accomplish in 2015.

Don't forget about your reminders!

This post is about SmartList favorites and reminders based on favorites, using the context of a client scenario where some information was not set up on a new vendor.

GP & Lowercase Database IDs

This post is about a weird error posting a Payables Transaction batch where the issue was a test company was refreshed with a lowercase database ID, and GP thought it was an intercompany transaction.
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