Copy & Paste Journal Entry from Excel

This is a post in a "Did you know?" series around copying and pasting journal entries from Excel to Dynamics GP.

Combine Budgets

This post is about the Combine Budgets feature introduced in GP 2010.

Fixed Assets Year End Close Report

This post is another in the "Did you know?" series and it's about the Fixed Assets year-end close report in Dynamics GP.

Backups from within Dynamics GP

This is the second post in the "Did you know?" series, and it is about database backups from within Dynamics GP to either a local location or Azure storage.

Reconcile a Chequebook without Transactions

This is the first post in a series tying back to Pam Misialek's "Did You Know?" series. This one is about how to reconcile a chequebook without transactions.

GL Account Tables & Account Framework

This post is about the Account Framework in Dynamics GP and how it relates to GL Accounts tables in SQL.

Transaction Descriptions & POP to PM MS Connect Suggestion

This post is about transaction descriptions on POP (Purchase Order Processing) transactions. Unfortunately, if you don't have Project Accounting installed, the reference (in the Distributions window) does not flow to the PM Transaction description field.

GPUG Amplify - Post Conference

This is the post-conference recap for the GPUG Amplify 2017 conference.

GPUG Amplify 2017 - Day 2

This is the day 2 post about GPUG Amplify 2017.

GPUG Amplify 2017 - Day 1

This is the day 1 post about the GPUG Amplify 2017 conference.
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