A new season begins…

This is a slightly off-topic post about a new era for the Microsoft Partner program, where I'm officially no longer "large" enough to qualify to be a reseller.

Quick Comparison Report Testing Tip

This is a small tip for those upgrading their Dynamics GP environments. Where possible, renaming or adding some info to the company names means most reports that are printed for testing are clearly distinguishable from each other.

Bug month! Issues with Project Accounting employee vendors & EFT

This post is about a bug in Dynamics GP Project Accounting with how it creates vendors from the employee "Files Employee Expense" functionality, and some fields are not populated that should be by default.

Canadian Payroll - some ROE fields demystified

This post is about Canadian Payroll in the context of Dynamics GP and how the ROE fields are populated.

Excel Report Builder - bug in SQL views created

This post is about a bug in Excel Report Builder where the SQL view created is not pointing to the correct company database at times.

Client Updates & Archiving old service packs

This post is about a lesson learned where the Client Updates feature in Dynamics GP, after moving some older install files to another set of folders.

Kudos to all the regular bloggers out there!

This is an off-topic article recognizing those in the community that blog regularly because I'm having trouble keeping up!

Fun with changing a server name!

This post is about a situation where I renamed a server and missed the obvious reason as to why I was unable to log back into Dynamics GP afterwards!

Disenchanted with support? I understand your pain!

This is a long post about some horrible support experiences while trying to resolve a payroll issue at the client.

GP Tech Conference Day 3

This post is my day 3 recap of the GP Tech 2011 conference in Fargo, ND.
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