reImagine 2015 - Day 2

This is the Day 2 write-up about reImagine 2015.

reImagine 2015 - Day 1

This is the Day 1 write-up about reImagine 2015.

reImagine 2015 - Arrival Day

This is my arrival day post for reImagine 2015.

reImagine 2015 - preparing to go to Fargo

This post is about preparing to go to reImagine 2015 in Fargo, including a bit of info about Roam Mobility SIM cards.

Azure - when you forget to turn your VM off!

This is a post about what happened when I forgot to turn off my Azure VM, and the messages I got about the subscription running out of credits.

Pet Peeves

A post about some of my pet peeves about communication and lack of responses.

Restore issue on GP 2015 drove me nuts!

This post is about a restore issue on GP 2015 where I was refreshing a test company, and getting an error "The selected company is not configured as a company of the current Microsoft Dynamics GP system database.".

Dynamics GP on Microsoft Azure - Wrap-Up

This is the final post in my series on Dynamics GP on Microsoft Azure. I cover some of the costs I've had to date.

FRx with Dynamics GP 2015

This post is all about how to get FRx working with Dynamics GP 2015, even though it is not technically supported for that version of GP.

Dynamics GP on Microsoft Azure - Part 6

This is the 6th post in my series on Dynamics GP on Microsoft Azure. The topics in this one are creating a new VM & domain controller, figuring out the Cloud Service, deleting VMs, and Static IP addresses
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