Mgmt. Reporter Quirk - unposted entries

This post is about a quirk in Management Reporter for Dynamics GP where unposted entries in a historical fiscal year will not show up on reports that include posted and unposted data.

Tales of shopping for a new car

Tales of shopping for a new car with a story of dealing with a stereotypical (bad) car salesperson and a good experience with a professional.

How to add the Employer Address to T4 Forms

This post is about how to add the Employer's address to the T4 reports in Dynamics GP Canadian Payroll.

New Year's Resolutions 2016

A look back at 2015 and resolutions for 2016.

How YTD CPP & EI factor into Tax calcs

This post is about troubleshooting tax calculations in Dynamics GP Canadian Payroll, and how Year-to-Date CPP and EI factor into the calculations.

Diary of a day in jury duty

A post about my day in jury duty.

More fun with Integration Manager

This post is about a quicker way to set the default IM database in Integration Manager for Dynamics GP using the ini file(s).

The quick way to register Integration Manager

This post is about Integration Manager for Dynamics GP and how to register it quickly when installing it on workstations.

reImagine 2015 - wrap-up

This is the wrap-up post about reImagine 2015.

reImagine 2015 - Day 3

This is the Day 3 write-up about reImagine 2015.
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