Transaction vs. Batch Posting

This post is about transaction vs. batch posting, why there is a post button in the transaction window, and what message a user receives if they try to post in a transaction window when there is a batch ID present.

More Azure - Part 3

This post is the 3rd of 3 posts about more Azure topics. This one is public IP addresses and DNS.

More Azure - Part 2

This post is the 2nd of 3 posts about more Azure topics. This one is about what happens when a VM is not turned off!

GPUG Amplify 2016 - Day 3

This is a recap of GPUG Amplify 2016, day 3.

GPUG Amplify 2016 - Day 2

This is a recap of GPUG Amplify 2016, day2.

GPUG Amplify 2016 - Day 1 - Rest of the day

This is a recap of GPUG Amplify 2016, day 1, part 2.

GPUG Amplify 2016 - Day 1 - General Session

This is a recap of GPUG Amplify 2016, day 1, part 1.

GPUG Amplify 2016 - Pre-Conference

This is a recap of GPUG Amplify 2016, pre-conference day.

More Azure - part 1

This post is the first of 3 posts about more Azure topics. This one is the change in admin portals from what I described in earlier posts.

Poor man's dashboard?

This post is an example of a simple summary SmartList that can be built to show some metrics around Accounts Payable or Receivable.
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