Cdn Payroll T4 XML & Multiple Employers

This #TipTuesday post is about how the T4 XML file is generated from Dynamics GP Canadian Payroll when there are multiple employers.

Fun with XML, the end

This is the 5th post in a 5-part series where I was building an XML file in SQL with Dynamics GP data and Extender data for T5 filing.

Fun with XML, part 4

This is the 4th post in a 5-part series where I was building an XML file in SQL with Dynamics GP data and Extender data for T5 filing. In this post, I discuss file validation.

Fun with XML, part 3

This is the 3rd post in a 5-part series where I was building an XML file in SQL with Dynamics GP data and Extender data for T5 filing. This post is about namespaces.

Fun with XML, part 2

This is the 2nd post in a 5-part series where I was building an XML file in SQL with Dynamics GP data and Extender data for T5 filing. This post is about the "guts" of the SQL to create the XML.

Fun with XML, part 1

This is the 1st post in a 5-part series where I was building an XML file in SQL with Dynamics GP data and Extender data for T5 filing. This post is the intro and story on why I needed to do this and the trials and tribulations of my various efforts to get it working.

Additional menu in GP windows

This #TipTuesday is about Additional menus, what they are and how security works with them.

Prepaid Visa Card rip-off

This post is a warning to those buying or receiving prepaid credit cards. Watch the terms, mine starts with $3/month charges to reduce the balance on the card after one year of activation.

When did that GL Account get added?

This #TipTuesday is a post about reminders in SmartLists to help monitor certain situations.

SmartList Options

This #TipTuesday is about the SmartList Options window and some of the useful things you can do in it.
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