In search of the perfect credit card

This post is off-topic about a series of trials and errors in finding the right credit card for my needs.

SmartList stuck on My Reports pane

This #TipTuesday post is about using SQL to fix an issue with the My Reports page in Dynamics GP showing a SmartList favorite that is no longer there.

Originating fields in SmartList

This #TipTuesday is about the "Originating" fields in GL SmartLists and what they contain.

eConnect Distributions - double trouble

This #TipTuesday post is about integrating with eConnect to Dynamics GP and a strange case of duplicated GL distributions.

SmartConnect, Variables & Quotes

This #TipTuesday post is about integrating into Dynamics GP with SmartConnect, and using variables with something to watch out for.

Object reference not set to an instance of an object

This #TipTuesday post was a fun one. I kept getting an error "object reference not set to an instance of an object" while integrating into Dynamics GP in SmartConnect and it took me a while to find the reason for it.

Fixed Asset Labelling

This #TipTuesday post is information about Asset Labels vs. Asset IDs and when to use the Asset Label feature.

SmartConnect Define Company

This #TipTuesday post is about using the Define Company option in SmartConnect and why it's my number one way of identifying what company in Dynamics GP to integrate into.

Mass Update CPY Basic Personal Exemption

This #TipTuesday post is about the CPY10105 table in Canadian Payroll (Dynamics GP) and how to update it if Basic Personal Exemption (or other tax credits) are incorrect.

What's included in those SQL rpt roles?

This #TipTuesday post is about identifying what is in the rpt_ SQL database roles in the system and company databases in Dynamics GP.
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