Today's post is about the trip and pre-day for GP Tech 2019. It's my annual trek to Fargo, ND, to the home of Dynamics GP! I always look forward to this trip.
Saturday - the trip in
With limited flight choices on Sunday, I flew in a day early, on Saturday, and early enough that I had hoped to have a chance to golf one or both days. The Saturday ended up being a thorough rain-out, so golf was out of the question. I arrived in Fargo mid-morning, way earlier than most hotels considered giving me a room. Thankfully my hotel had a room ready for me right away which was awesome and very much unexpected. I had planned on dropping off my bag and then visiting the mall across the street. I did wander the mall for part of the time but it was great to be able to chill in a room and unpack etc. a lot earlier than normal check-in. Thanks, Delta Fargo for that early check-in!
Sunday "Fun Day"
Sunday was a great day! First, the weather was awesome, sunny & warm. Compared to Saturday, that was a bonus! I spend a large chunk of the day with 3 of my favourite people - Belinda Allen, Shawn Dorward and his son Taylor Dorward. We went golfing on a local 9-hole course and we had a blast! It was Taylor's first round of golf since his drowning accident last July 4th, and he did awesome. Here are some pics from the day:

It was so much fun. We were all impressed with how well Taylor did despite his limited vision (although no longer legally blind). I hope next year we may have more golfers out for a fun day of golf. There certainly have been a few more people since Sunday suggesting they'd like to golf next year if we go again.
After golf, we went for a late lunch/early dinner and then went our separate ways for a quiet night in our respective hotel rooms. That evening, eOne Solutions had a "Pizza, Plonk, & Popdock" party, although I think I'm still missing one of the "P's"! This was more of a "marketing" event, with a planned demo of their latest version of Popdock along with a bit of social time for the partner community. Although it has a dubious name (in my humble opinion), the tool itself seems quite promising. It's a cloud-based reporting tool that can integrate different sources of data as well as embed itself in various applications as a widget, like a "Smartlist for anything".
That's it for the "pre-day" activities for me…