An update on my Azure experiences… apparently I forgot to turn off my Azure VM one day last month. I say apparently because I don't recall using Azure to turn it on, but perhaps I did, anticipating doing something, then forgot. It happens. Here is exactly what happened when I forgot!
First, I got an email
The text says "The following subscription has reached its monthly free Microsoft Azure limit and has been disabled".

Here's what I see on Azure
It shows that I have *no* subscriptions when I ran out of credit. I ran out at the end of the cycle so I had 3 days (originally) left (1 day when I took the screenshot). The part that threw me off was it said I have no subscriptions. I would have expected it to say my subscription is out of credits. Initially, I thought it expired literally, as in I had to renew my MAPS subscription or MPN membership. No, I just had to wait. Alternatively, I could have added a paid subscription to use when I ran out of credits.

Email stating I'm back in business
When everything is back enabled, I got another email. Yay!